how to perform Al salat

Here are some steps you have to undergo if you want to perform Al salat
1-standing: you have to stand straight and face the Qibla2-Takbir you have to perform the takbir by saying allahu Akbar why saying that you have to do like this3-recitation of suratul fatiha: you have to recite suratul fatiha correctly while you are reciting you have to stand and place your hands on your chest4-ruku bowing: while performing ruku you have to bow your head and make sure your back is flat in such a way that someone can place something there and thing will no fall from there5-sujud prostration: you have to prostate by placing your head on ground 6-tashud sitting: also you have to sit on the top of your legs and be saying the Tayawhile you are doing all this
 it has part
When you recite the Qur'an
When you are bowing down
Also when you are prostrating
It depends on the you are performing there is slight in how this raka are performed this are the summary on the difference
Fajr-two raka
Dhur- four raka
Asr-four raka
Magrib-three raka
Isha-four raka


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