
Showing posts from November, 2020


Taqwa (Arabic: تقوى‎ taqwā / taqwá) is an Islamic term for being conscious and cognizant of God, of truth, "piety, fear of God." It is often found in the Quran . The Holy Quran says: "People! Worship your Rab (Creator and Sustainer) Who created you and those before you, so that you may guard against evil..." (2:21). ... Taqwa , the fear of Allah, is the only force that can restrain man from evil and wickedness. The root meaning of Taqwa is to save oneself from anything that causes apprehension bear of God for self-righteousness which means Al taqwa in Arabic, in fact, epitomiSes the entire teachings of the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) It is Taqwa that gives meaning to our simple worship rituals that otherwise would be nothing without it. Haven't we pondered what would the physical actions of salat (prayers) such as bowing and prostrating mean without a heart infused with Taqwa? What makes the hunger and thirst (when fasting) of a believer different from...

What is halal

H alal is an Arabic word that translates to "permissible or lawful" into English In the Qur'an the word halal is contrasted with Haram. This opposition was elaborated into more complex classification known as the five decision: mandatory recommended, neutral, reprehensible and forbidden. The term halal is particularly associated with Islamic dietary law. And especialy meat  processed and prepared in accordance with this requirement. In the  Qur'an  the word halal and Haram are the usual term used in Qur'an  to differentiate the categories of lawful or allow and unlawful or forbidden. The most common Haram, example of Haram (none halal food is pork.  While pork is the only meat the categorically may not be consumed by the Muslim (the Qur'an forbid it sura 2:175 and 16:115) other Food that is not purity are also considered as Haram. The criteria for non pork items include there source, and the cause of the animal death and how it was processed. Musl...

how to perform Al salat

Here are some steps you have to undergo if you want to perform Al salat 1- standing: you have to stand straight and face the Qibla 2-Takbir you have to perform the takbir by saying allahu Akbar why saying that you have to do like this 3- recitation  of suratul fatiha: you have to recite suratul fatiha correctly while you are reciting you have to stand and place your hands on your chest 4- ruku bowing: while performing ruku you have to bow your head and make sure your back is flat in such a way that someone can place something there and thing will no fall from there 5- sujud prostration: you have to prostate by placing your head on ground  6- tashud sitting: also you have to sit on the top of your legs and be saying the Taya while you are doing all this  it has part When you recite the Qur'an When you are bowing down Also when you are prostrating It depends on the you are performing there is slight...